Driving school scheduling software

Experience why thousands of driving schools world-wide trust us with their driving class bookings.

Start building your own online driving school booking system today.

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Appointment scheduling software that grows your driving school and increases productivity

Let students schedule appointments for driving lessons online. Manage your driving school on-the-go with SuperSaaS’s hassle-free and affordable booking software. Add as many instructors as you like, automatically block out travel time, allow repeat bookings, get alerts of last minute changes via SMS, send automatic reminders to reduce no shows, and more.

Customize your driving school schedule with adaptable features

DevicesReduce no-shows

Email & SMS notifications ensure no one forgets a driving lesson anymore

Payment processingIntegrate payment options

Let students pay for classes or class packages upfront

Add to websiteSynchronize with other calendars

Let your availability depend on your private calendar

Flexible pricingFits every budget

Free full-feature trial version and paid plans that start at only $9 per month

Essential scheduling software for your driving school

  • Reduce admin time by automating your booking process so you can spend more time teaching your students.
  • Collect student details by adding a sign-up form and keeping track of student progress
  • Collect booking details such as pick-up locations
  • Add multiple instructors or locations without additional costs as your business grows
  • Customize the layout of your appointment schedule to match the style of your own website for consistent branding
  • Add to your website & Facebook page or use your appointment schedule standalone by referring to it with the link we provide you with
Get started
No payment details required. Our free version is free forever.
Driving school booking system
Driving school booking app

Our customers make us blush

Booking customer woman Booking customer man Scheduling customer Appointment booking customer Reservation system customer

I have been using SuperSaaS for approximately three years to schedule diving lessons for our driving school. It instantly became an effort free process. I would highly recommend this service to anyone who has needs for scheduling.

Mike Gordon, Kendal Green Driving School

SuperSaaS is extremely customizable. Allowing students to schedule their driving lessons online is very important. No one compares to SuperSaaS with online schedule customization and options. Going with SuperSaaS was one of my best decisions.

Shane Myers, Lead Instructor, Red Oak Driving School

SuperSaaS is a reasonably-priced product that provides a lot of flexibility for students to make and change their own bookings, usually with minimal assistance from us. Our students like it because they can see the real-time schedule for lesson availability, and it allows them to process their bookings at any time of the day even if our office is closed.

Kelly, Co-owner of Archer’s Driving School
Online scheduling software for your driving school
Online scheduling software for your driving school
Driving instructor diary software
Driving instructor diary software
Stop spending too much time on administration
Stop spending unnecessary time on administration, let your booking system do the work for you

Scheduling software makes driving school management a breeze

Set buffer times: Your schedule can be set to automatically block travel time for you. Configure alerts that notify you when new bookings, or changes to existing bookings, are made.

Make booking parameters: Save time by predefining how and when customers can schedule their lessons. You can also allow students to make repeat bookings in one easy step.

Add payment processing and integration: Add online payment collection to your booking process. You can also link your schedule to your Google Calendar so that personal appointments are automatically marked as unavailable on your SuperSaaS schedule.

Adapt the booking system as your driving school business grows

Give instructors control over their own schedules: You won’t need to create a new schedule or multiple schedules if you add staff to your business. You can simply add more instructors to a single schedule and give them superuser access to facilitate or supervise bookings.

Start scheduling
No payment details required. Our free version is free forever.